Monday, June 6, 2011

Dear President Obama (from Genesis)

Dear President Obama,

Do you or your wife buy ivory jewelry? That would be a terrible thing. When poachers kill elephants for ivory, it is cruel. You might as well ban ivory. Just like M.J.'s song, "Make a Change!"


Dear President Zuma (from Cole)

Dear President Zuma and others,

Please! Help the poachers to stop poaching elephants, or you can make them stop by making poaching a law. Put policemen and game wardens in places where elephants live. Then there you have caught a poacher. Elephants are my favorite animal and I don't want them to become extinct for this ridiculous nonsense.


Dear President Obama (from Ausar)

Dear President Obama,

Poaching must stop because it kills elephants. It is cruel and mean. Poachers have no right to kill elephants and it needs to stop. They are selfish and unmerciful. The elephants have a family and a life, just like the poacher. It can't be allowed. You can help by stopping people from buying ivory.


Dear Poachers (from Josiah)

Coming soon!

Dear President Obama (from Mekhi)

Dear President Obama,

How are you? Can you please help EBCS stop poaching elephants? First you can put up signs in Africa. Next you can call the FBI and the CSI. Then you and the FBI and CSI can hunt down the poachers. Last, ywhen you find them take them to America and put them in jail.

Mekhi (third grade)

Dear President Zuma (from Devon)

Dear President Zuma,

Sir Zuma, I believe people should not poach or buy ivory because that is encouraging poachers to poach even more. Can you please ban ivory-buying and poaching?

Can you please stop poaching,

Dear President Obama (from Christian)

Dear President Obama,

I think poaching should stop. I agree with you. Poaching should not go on because elephants never hurt us humans. That is wrong. I have a feeling that there are so many elephants in the world. I used to think that there were thousands or maybe billions of elephants. It is not fun for the elephants to be killed.


Dear President Zuma (from Martin)

Dear President Zuma,

This is why poaching has to stop. It kills elephants. It will stop scientists from exploring elephants. It will cause elephants to not come to zoos anymore. The poachers are just killing elephants for no good reason. Three will be less elephants. We can't exterminate elephants anymore.


Dear Poachers (from Cole)

Dear Poachers,

My name is Cole. I know you LOVE killing elephants. It is fun for you and people like you are lovers of money. To have a fun time, you can play sports like basketball and soccer. To get money, GET A JOB. Get a job like a lawyer to make money.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rice Group Starts Typing in Their Essays!

Rice Group did great overall today!